Friday 27 February 2015

Wish you were here!

Charlie has been speaking, listening and writing to describe his holiday and write a postcard home.  It is fabulous to see you using great word choices and describing events in such detail.  Well done you!

Amazing autobiographies

Olivia, Christian, Kieran, Kyle, Caitlin, Katie and Ethan are all special achievers for going above and beyond the call of duty.  They have met all the success criteria for their autobiographies by including a huge amount of detail and showing an impressive dedication to this homework project.  Great work, folks!

Fantastic fractions

Rebecca worked all by herself to work out these fraction problems.  No wonder Mrs Collis was impressed by her understanding.  Well done, Rebecca!

Using a number line

Hamza has shown how good he is at using number lines to work out additions and subtractions.  Mrs Kineavy was so pleased that he worked all by himself to solve these problems.  Great work, Hamza!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Perfect Portraits

Kevin, Sammy, Mason and Codie have worked very hard on all the different parts of these wonderful portraits.  They have used different media in each section of the background, studied their shoes to inspire their pattern-making, mixed paint colours and included lots of detail.  Super pictures, well done!

Foxy News

These budding newspaper reporters have written gripping articles about the recent tornado that swept through Roydon.  They used some very mature vocabulary and dramatic quotations to make their work so impressive.  Well done, folks!

Monday 9 February 2015

Lucky Rocky!

Autumn worked all by herself to produce this fantastic list of ways in which you need to look after a dog.  She has written down lots of ideas and, because she listened carefully to all the sounds she could hear, you can read every word she has written.  Well done, missus!

How to build a snowman

These three ladies are very proud of themselves!  The explanations that they have written about how to make a snowman include lots of time words and causal connectives that make their writing really interesting to read.  What very grown-up pieces of work!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Relishing reading!

What a fantastic effort Dylan has put into his reading this year!  He has been practising his reading as often as he can so that he can read a wide range of books quite easily now, including some from Roydon's must-reads.  Brilliant work, Dylan!